Health Savings Account (HSA): A tax-advantaged savings account that is only available to participants in a qualified high deductible health plan, such as the $4,500, $3,200 and $1,850 Deductible Plans. You contribute to your HSA through pre-tax payroll contributions and can use the money to pay for eligible medical expenses — including deductibles and coinsurance for medical, dental and vision care. In addition, Transamerica will contribute money to your account in 2024 as a reward for completing certain wellness activities — up to $500 for Self Only coverage and $800 if you cover a spouse and/or child(ren) on your medical plan. You must actively enroll in an HSA each year in order to receive employer contributions.
In 2024, the total amount that you and Transamerica contribute to your HSA cannot exceed $4,150 for Self Only coverage or $8,300 if you cover a spouse and/or child(ren) on your medical plan. You can change your contribution amount during the year for any reason. To make a change to your HSA contributions, visit the Mercer Marketplace website — learn how to access the site. (Please note that while your medical plan premiums are also deducted from your paycheck, they are separate from your HSA/FSA contributions and are paid to the insurance carrier providing your coverage — only the amounts you specifically elect to contribute to an HSA or FSA go into those accounts.)
All of the money in your HSA rolls over from year to year and is always yours to keep. For example, you may use the money in your HSA to pay for eligible health expenses in retirement. For a full list of eligible expenses, refer to IRS Publication 502.
In order to establish and contribute to an HSA, you:
You should review IRS rules for making HSA contributions if you will turn age 65 during the year. For more information, see IRS Publication 969.